Monday, September 17, 2007

Saturday Night League Update

You pretty much need a razor blade to separate the leaders. After the first Cricket Week, the Top points went like this: 12,11,10,9,9.

After the second 501 week it didn't change much.

Here are the current standings and ppd's for the league

Points PPD

1 - Merlin 18 12.25
2 - Richard 17 12.89
3 - David 16 11.72
4 - Ian 16 11.07
5 - Lisa 10 10.17
6 - Doug 9 10.29
7 - Darryl 9 8.42
8 - Najet 4 8.12

We aren't "officially" keeping accomplishments, but ...

High Score - Ian - 140
High Out - Lisa - 87
Hat Trick - David, Richard, Jimmy

We've had a couple of people join us either as replacement players or substitutes.

Nick Mastroni has a 13.75 ppd. Jimmy Dinsmore is at 9.38. Moe Inc has a 8.59 average.

The doubles part has been dropped in handicap. Handicap games are generally longer than open matches. Someone is usually starting quite a bit higher than 501. Playing the doubles matches just ran too late.

All standings have been adjusted to eliminate doubles play.