Saturday, September 27, 2008

Things Found While Looking For Something Else

Starting with current stuff. We found a hammerhead tip at Post 4 Thursday. It's been used, but not long. The hammerhead clip and the point are in excellent shape. If you lost a hammerhead point and recently played at Post 4, I've got your point.

A 1995 WDA Newsletter

Summer leagues were starting May 22. Monday leagues were divisions. Tuesday nights were Handicap. Thursday was open. (Current note: I believe that was the first season for handicap sanctioned by the WDA.)

Kennystock - The Chicken Coop Warmup was announced. That was a one-day event in Kenny's pasture May 20 starting at 2 PM. (Current note: That event didn't happen, but it was the original thought for what became LizzardPalooza.)

The formation of a Wednesday night beginner's league was announced. The June Captain's meeting was scheduled for the Haysville VFW.

Sponsors were Mary's, Laid Back, Shamrock, Winners (Derby), Haysville VFW, and Southrock.


Maybe 20 copies of flyers for Kennystock, printed on a dot matrix printer. Attached to them was my invoice copy for a sale. I sold a 5-1/4" diskette drive for $100.

If you want more perspective on this, Katherine was 4 years old then.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dart boards and computers for sale

How are the boards at your sponsor looking? How about your practice boards at home? The WDA has some barely used boards for sale. They were used at the last Regional. Since the WDA is going to premo boards for the Air Cap, the Regional boards are available for sale. I think the price is $25, but check with Ron to make sure of prices.

Get your orders in quick. The Razor boards we're using at the Air Cap will not be going for $25. More like $40. They normally sell for $70. Christy found some special pricing that allowed the WDA to get the boards for the Air Cap. Even with special pricing those boards will sell for more than the boards the WDA is selling now.

Need a computer? I work with a lot of people who are serious gamers and keep their equipment updated to the latest and greatest goodies. I have contacts for used computers that are typically set up with 3 Gig processors, a gig or 2 of memory, 512 Mb memory video cards. Pretty hot setups, but they're available used for a fraction of what you'd pay for that gear if you went out to buy it. Send me an e-mail if you're interested. I suspect pricing will be in the under $500 range. How much under $500 depends on the specific internal components.

Dairy Air Exposed, Gets Whipped

It was great to play with a couple of former teammates. Steve Terronez was fixing phone lines (imagine that after a flood) and Bob (Bob! Bob! Bob!) was at the Bluegrass Festival. We brought Katherine and Robby in to sub for them.

That was the extent of great for the night. 4-10. That makes 3 times in a row Kelly's team has taken 10 against us. I don't understand how that team isn't in the hunt for a trophy every year. At least the way they play against us.

I can only say 'grats to Kelly's team. They just flat took it to us. They earned and deserved the wins they got. Usually I like to tell some stories about how the games went, but there aren't any good stories. Katherine had back-to-back tons. Kelly brought in a new player. Lance, Kelly's new player, won't be an 8 next week.

Welcome Lance to the WDA when you run into him. He can stick some darts. Trust me on that. He stuck a couple of tons against me.

Eagles has added food to what they offer. Economical prices, too. Creme Brulee at $1.75, Sushi at $3.00, Escargot at $4.75, Lobster Thermidor at $5.95. Just kidding. Burgers, dogs, fries, funnel cake (in case you missed the State Fair). Prices are very good.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Dairy Air vs. Generation X3

This match started setting up Wednesday night. Paul, Sr. and I got into a bit of trash- and smack-talking. I didn't want to go too far with it. We've gone 31-11 against Generation X3 the last 3 times we played them.

Dairy Air took the first two doubles 501's. We should have known better. That's the curse. Not even the "Bob" cheer can overcome the curse!

We introduced our new secret weapon in the 501 singles games. Robby is subbing for us this year. 501 singles was a split, but things weren't looking good The first 501s are where you set ppd's for the next week. Overall, we were raising our ppd's and splitting.

The match between Robby and Candace had Robby on double 1 and Candace on double 3. My money is on Robby in that situation. Bad choice. Candace stroked it. It gets worse. Robby raised her ppd's for next week.

Speaking of Candace. In the second Cricket match she hit a critical early 5-count. When you're spotting 125 and the 8.5 player on the other team closes your point number in one dart and gets 2 marks on your next point number, that's a problem. We lost both middle Cricket games.

Okay, it's 4-4, team drink time, and we're going into 301, where we usually do well. I won the diddle and got in on my first throw with a 76. So did Paul, Sr. I managed to hold on in the battle of the trash-talking old guys.

At the end of the other 301 games, Sylvan was on 6, Steve was on 3, and Gregg was on 48 when Candace took him out.

We did manage to get the last 2 Crickets for the 7-7 tie.

Kudos to GX3. I thought we threw well enough to win 8 or 9 matches. GX3 threw great games. Special 'grats to Candace. She took out Robby in 501, Gregg in 301, and was instrumental in taking out Gregg and Bob in Cricket. The young lady threw some awesome darts.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Highlights of the September Captain's Meeting

The next Thursday session starts Sept. 11. Ron expects to have the schedules published by Tuesday, Sept. 9. Visit the WDA's site to check where you're playing.

There's a Regional Cricket qualifier coming up. The regional is in Miami, OK Nov. 14. That's a Friday. The WDA is not providing travel money, but the WDA is sending one additional person for every 10 who play in the local qualifiers (both men and ladies). The local qualifier has not been scheduled yet.

Katherine and Zach both had a great time at the Youth Nationals. Both finished in the top 24. Congratulations to Zach and Katherine.

The Air Cap flyers are finalized and published. The 2009 Air Cap is an $8,000+ tournament. Total payouts are $8,188 according to my questionable math.

LizzardPalooza didn't have quite the attendance it's had in prior years. The Lizzards donated $100 to the youth fund based on LizzardPalooza.

The WDA is establishing a scholarship fund administered by a financial adviser. The funds can only be used for continuing education. Continuing education can include technical and vocational education or college tuition.

Dan Zimmerman reported that donations to the Youth Fund could be increased if a percentage of donations go to a restricted continuing education fund.

The next Captain's Meeting is October 1 at Shenanigan's.

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