There's a Regional Cricket qualifier coming up. The regional is in Miami, OK Nov. 14. That's a Friday. The WDA is not providing travel money, but the WDA is sending one additional person for every 10 who play in the local qualifiers (both men and ladies). The local qualifier has not been scheduled yet.
Katherine and Zach both had a great time at the Youth Nationals. Both finished in the top 24. Congratulations to Zach and Katherine.
The Air Cap flyers are finalized and published. The 2009 Air Cap is an $8,000+ tournament. Total payouts are $8,188 according to my questionable math.
LizzardPalooza didn't have quite the attendance it's had in prior years. The Lizzards donated $100 to the youth fund based on LizzardPalooza.
The WDA is establishing a scholarship fund administered by a financial adviser. The funds can only be used for continuing education. Continuing education can include technical and vocational education or college tuition.
Dan Zimmerman reported that donations to the Youth Fund could be increased if a percentage of donations go to a restricted continuing education fund.
The next Captain's Meeting is October 1 at Shenanigan's.
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