Thursday, August 23, 2007

Final Monday Night PPD Leaders

Minimum - 7 singles games

1 - Zimmerman, Dan 23.16
2 - Thompson, Scott 17.73
3 - Hassler, Terry 15.19
4 - Timmermeyer, Brent 15.01
5 - Jessup, Tony 14.93
6 - Turner, Gregg 14.55
7 - Redeker, Mark 14.34
8 - Pike, Rich 14.22
9 - Songer, Sylvan 13.09
10 - Prince, Jeff 13.04

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Tourney League Standings and Results

As of August 18

Name Points PPD Wins/Losses
Merlin 12 12.61 6-1
Richard 10 13.34 5-3
Doug 9 10.29 4-5
David 8 11.63 4-3
Ian 5 11.07 4-4
Lisa 5 10.32 4-5
Darryl 4 8.42 2-4
Najet 3 8.35 1-6

High Score Ian 140
High Out Lisa 87

There will be a blind draw Saturday, August 25 at Post 4. Several players had previous commitments, so we're taking a week off and inviting all darters to come out and have some fun with the players in this league.

September 1 is Lizzard Palooza. There are no darts scheduled at Post 4 that night. Next session for the Saturday Tourney League is September 8.


Pretty quick on the standings there. The league started out with alot of fun. Everyone joked and had a good time. If you get the chance, join one of these leagues.

Merlin put up Ian's high score of 140, what he didnt mention was that 140 came on a 150 out in doubles. Trip 20, Trip 20, then someone forgot to check to see what he hit before hitting the single 20. Sorry, someone had to give him some good natured ribbing.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

"Over-50" league cranking up

The "over 50" league has scheduled a get-together for September 5 and a "league formation" meeting/practice night for September 19.

Randy hasn't OK'd this, but I get the feeling that close counts in this league like it counts in horseshoes, hand grenades or nuclear warfare.

Nick Mastroni has a local job with a trucking company and will be available some nights. He's trying to work it out so he can play some darts. Nick isn't technically old enough to join the "over 50" league, but I'm willing to donate enough of my years to make him eligible.

There's no way to know how this is going to work out unless you attend the September 19 meeting. I've still got a couple of years to donate after I give Nick some of mine. Be there if you're close.


Anonymous said...
Merlin.......You could "donate" enough years to make Zack Zimmerman eligible.......;)

de Scale

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My 2 most memorable Cricket matches

Pat Byrnes was a good friend of mine and had been the WDA Tournament Director for several years. Sadly, Pat passed away. The next Air Cap was $11,000 in the basement of a hotel on E. Kellogg. There was a "Pat Byrnes Memorial" Cricket blind draw. That was the first Cricket blind draw I had ever seen scheduled as a guaaranteed payout event and I had been playing tournaments in OKC, Tulsa, Joplin and Omaha. I wanted a plaque with Pat's name on it and I had a great partner from KC.

One round out of the money the match went to 3 legs. We were just behind and both sides were down to 16's when my opponent hit a 7-count. T16, T15, SB. Ouch. We lost. After the match, the guy who hit the fatal 7-count introduced himself: "Great games. My name is Jesse, Jesse Layton".

$106,000 International tournament in Vegas. Doubles Cricket - one round out of the money. Both my partner and I were 19 throwers. Opponents won the diddle and 7'd the 20's for 80 points. My partner 7'd. T20, T19, S18.

Partner walked back to me and said, "Don't throw a 19 until I say so. I threw the 18 to make them think I don't like 19's". Opponents bought the fake-out and closed the 18's. We either scored or had a scoring threat after each throw. The opponents kept closing out our scoring opportunites. We were down to 15's and neither team had thrown a dart at the 19's since my partner closed them. My partner said "Now". Hit a 7-count. Opponent hit a 2-count. I hit a 5-count.

We were down over 100 points when my partner said "Now". Game over. We got destroyed in the next round.

Chat with Bubba and Missy after Nationals

I have got to say this is why we send Youth darters and their parents to Nationals. Everything I've heard from Bubba and Missy just says over and over - experience, enjoyment, motivation.

Missy didn't win as many games as she was hoping for, but she is convinced and dedicated to working on her game and doing better next year. Bubba is convinced Missy can do it and is planning his budget, vacations and pretty much his entire free time around getting Missy into more tournaments and getting her more familiar with the formats and pressure of National competition.

I got the impression that Bubba got bit with the tournament bug. Bubba entered a blind draw at Nationals and described it as "these people are at a completely different level". Yes, they are.

When you enter a blind draw where most of the players are in the playoffs for the National East-West All-Stars or the competitors for the USA team that goes to England for a World Championship, that's different level than you see in Wichita.

Going to the Nationals has been described as a "once-in-a-lifetime" experience. I haven't had a chance to talk to Zach, Dan or Christy, but I think Zach and Missy are going to work on their games and do every thing they can to make it at least a "twice-in-a-lifetime" experience.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Condolences to Jeff Prince

I thought Jeff was running late - or maybe at the wrong locatioon, so I called Jeff.

The conversation went like this: "Jeff, are you planning on joining us tonight"? "I can't, I have to make the funeral arrangements for my brother. I tried to call you, but you had already left".

Jeff's brother had been hospitalized with probably terminal illness for several weeks. The end arrived. There hadn't been much hope, but hope springs eternal. Any hope ended on the last Monday night for the Mind Freaks.

There are a lot of thngs more important than darts. Sometimes we need to stop and think about how fortunate we are to be able to enjoy our pasttime.

I give my most sincere condolences, thoughts, respect, sympathy and honor to Jeff. Jeff has been struggling with this situation for several weeks. The struggle is over, but not in a way anyone wanted to see it end.

Early report from Connecticut

I had a chance to talk to Bubba. David talked to Missy for quite a while. This all happended Saturday, 8-11.

The Youth Nationals had one of the largest and most talented fields in recent memory. Missy didn't think she played at the level she's capable of playing. She thought Zach has consistently thrown better than he did in Conncecticut.

Missy and Zach both made top 32 in the nation. They were hoping for better, but with a tough field, that's what they got.

Zach and Missy, you've made Wichita proud. 2 Youth from Wichita in the top 32 in the nation in the same year is something that's probably never been done in football. It probably goes back 25+ years to find 2 basketball players out of Wichita in the top 32 in the nation (Antoine Carr/Darnell Valentine/Aubry Sherrod).

Thank you for representing Wichita in Connecticut.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

2 out of 3 strategies

2 out of 3 is a lot different than single games. There's a mental thing that can happen after the first game. This should be avoided.

Sometimes the winner of the first match gets overconfident. This can be fatal. Winning the first and losing the second can change everything. The momentum swings and quite often the player winning the second match builds the confidence to think they can win, while the winner of the first match loses that confidence.

Sometimes the loser of the first game loses confidence and pretty much expects to get beat in the second game. This is fatal. If you expect to get beat, you're probably (more like certainly) going to get beat.

Every game is a new game. 2 out of 3 is the best exercise for focusing on your darts and the dart board.

If you win the first leg, promise yourself you can and will do better in the second leg. Maintain focus and concentration. Don't let a lead lull you into throwing poorly and thinking you can get away with it.

If you lose the first leg, have the focus, concentration and fortitude to know you will do better in the second leg. I have seen many matches where the first leg was a massacre and the next 2 legs went the other way.

For better players, it's your darts - not your skills - that win games. Lesser players are aiming for you. If you even slightly overlook them, they will come after you and sometimes beat you.

For lesser players, go after the big players. Take it to them. If you give up, you never win. Make the better player beat you. Don't beat yourself by thinking you're going to lose. If you get beat in the first leg, give your opponent a chance to mess up and think you're easy - then take it to them.

Most important, if you ever get matched up against an old gray-haired guy, those guys are always easy to beat. Don't worry. Just toss your darts at the board and let them hit wherever they land. You'll still get the win.

Saturday handicapped "Tournament League" is filled

The Tournament League will kick off Saturday, August 18 at 7 PM at Legion Post 4.

It was filled Sunday, the day it was announced.

I already have one signup for a Tuesday handicap league at Legion Post 4. I want to see how long the league takes in a handicap format so I can let people know what to expect on a Tuesday night. It's one thing to stay out a bit late on a Saturday, but if the format goes 3 hours for a handicap league, that might affect people on a Tuesday night. I would encourage the earliest possible start time if a Tuesday league is formed.

There are plenty of people interested in a Friday scratch "Tournament League". Between some current leagues, getting kids back in school, still doing summertime activites, etc. - I would expect that league to start up in maybe mid-September. Friday seems to be the best night for a scratch league. I will try to hold that night open for scratch.

From a business point of view, if another handicap league forms and they'd prefer Fridays and if there isn't a solid indication a scratch league is forming, both the Legion and the WDA benefit from starting whatever league can be formed.

If Friday should happen to switch to a handicap league there is still Mary's and SidePockets. I expect both locations would welcome a league.

New dart leagues forming

Sunday, August 5, the WDA announced the formation of a new league. It's 8 people (sign up as indivisuals), 4 dart boards, and a lot of darts every night in a 2 out of 3 tournament format.

The Saturday handicap session was filled Sunday at the dart meeting. I am taking signups for a Tuesday handicap session at Legion Post 4. I am also taking signups for a scratch session (no handicaps) on Fridays at Legion Post 4.

It's a tournament bracket every night. First through eighth is played out. Every match is 2 out of 3 games. That gives everyone 6 to 9 singles games per night.

After singles, each person has a different doubles partner each night. In the 7-week league session, each person will play doubles with every other person in the league. Doubles are bracketed and first through fourth is played. That gives everyone 4 - 6 doubles games every night.

The games played each week rotate between 501 (first night) and Cricket (second night). That makes 4 weeks of 501 and 3 weeks of Cricket in the league.

A Wichita Darting Association membership is required. League fees are $5 per night. 50% of the league fees are paid out to the league winners. 1st - $70, 2nd - $42, 3rd - $28. Winners are determined by the weekly placing in the events. 1st in Singles is 8 points, 2nd - 7 points, etc. 1st in Doubles is 4 points (per person), 2nd - 3, etc.

This is the easiest WDA league to join. Just e-mail me at It's singles, so you don't need a team. Any 8 players can form a l;eague without sgining up or anything. Just let the WDA know you're playing the league and contact me (for now) for the paperwork. Then find an available location with 4 dart boards and throw some darts.

2 out of 3 is different than playing just one game. With the loss of all weekly blind draws, the WDA has offered a 2 out of 3 format to get people used to playing tournament formats. This is an excellent Air Cap warm-up league.

There are darters in Wichita who are looking for experience in this format to get past the first round at the Air Cap. Others are looking to get into the money. Others are looking at winning events. There has been interest in this league at all those levels. Getting used to a bracketed 2 out of 3 format and playing that format should help darters at every level in Wichita move up in the standings at the Air Cap.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

General Membership Meeting/Spring Fling Recap

Sunday, August 5, started with a great meeting followed by some great food. Then a couple of blind draws with some surprises in the results. By the end of the day the Fire Department visited the Legion and a 911 call from the Legion resulted in at least 6 police cars responding.

I don't know that I've ever seen so much accomplished in 1 hour and 10 minutes, which was the length of the meeting including handing out trophies and awards. 9 rules changes were approved. David Garrett was elected Vice-President, Jennifer (I think the last name is Holly, but I forgot to write it down - my apologies) was elected Public Relations person.

All teams will share payments on electronically scored boards.

"Run and grab it" appears to be a violation of ADO rules, which are vague on the subject. The WDA decided that chalkers and team Captains should use common sense. If a dart is wobbling, the thrower can touch it so the chalker can determine its location. That appears to comply with ADO rules and has been observed at the highest levels of ADO competition. Touching a thrown dart ends the darters throw.

The Bylaw voted several years ago about a mandatory suspension for throwing a dart at anything but the dart board was lost due to a series of mishaps including a computer crash where the Bylaws were stored. Jim Fleetwood and Merlin believe they can find that Bylaw and will have it reinstated into the Bylaws.

That already looks like a lot for the length of the meedting, but the WDA also approved a new league. The handicap version of the new league is filled and scheduled to start August 18.

I spaced out an item I intended to bring up in New Business that would have extended the meeting to 1 hour 10 minutes and 5 seconds. That was to award Juanita a life-time membership in the WDA. If there's anyone who deserves a "lifetime achievement" award it's Juanita. Let's do this at the August meeting.

I know you're looking for the fire department visit and the 911 call, but first - Dawn, who joined the WDA at the meeting got a 1st place in the seeded blind draw. Lisa, who's an occasional league player for several years teamed with Kraig and won the seeded blind draw. Dawn and Lisa made some major noise in the unseeded blind draw. It's great to see new and former players show up, have a good time and spank some of the old-timers.

There was some food left over, so I went across the street to the Fire Station. The Captain of the station and 2 firefighters came to the Legion and pretty much took everything that was left. The 3 of them had their hands full when they left. Our excess food was donated to the firefighters across the street.

Around 10:30, a pickup was seen backing up to a door at a business at Main and Murdock. Then there was a rope tied to the pickup and to the door. Then the pickup took off under heavy acceleration. Then 2 guys got out and attempted to get past what was left of the door. That prompted the 911 call.

Cops showed up in absolute stealth mode. 4 cops around the pickup. 1 car in the alley behind the Legion with no lights. Couldn't see the vehicles that had the 4 cops rushing the pickup. Then 6 cars showed up in the alley.

Here's what we were told. The guy in the pickup owned the building. His tenant hadn't paid rent for 3 months, but his tenant had put up a steel barricade in front of the door. The building owner showed up when he thought no one would notice and attempted to yank the steel barricade from the door so he could change the locks and kick his tenant out.

It was pretty much a "never a dull moment" event from noon to 11 PM.