Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Chat with Bubba and Missy after Nationals

I have got to say this is why we send Youth darters and their parents to Nationals. Everything I've heard from Bubba and Missy just says over and over - experience, enjoyment, motivation.

Missy didn't win as many games as she was hoping for, but she is convinced and dedicated to working on her game and doing better next year. Bubba is convinced Missy can do it and is planning his budget, vacations and pretty much his entire free time around getting Missy into more tournaments and getting her more familiar with the formats and pressure of National competition.

I got the impression that Bubba got bit with the tournament bug. Bubba entered a blind draw at Nationals and described it as "these people are at a completely different level". Yes, they are.

When you enter a blind draw where most of the players are in the playoffs for the National East-West All-Stars or the competitors for the USA team that goes to England for a World Championship, that's different level than you see in Wichita.

Going to the Nationals has been described as a "once-in-a-lifetime" experience. I haven't had a chance to talk to Zach, Dan or Christy, but I think Zach and Missy are going to work on their games and do every thing they can to make it at least a "twice-in-a-lifetime" experience.

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