Monday, July 31, 2006

Wichita Darting Association - General Membership Meeting

In an effort to avoid being mistaken for the State of Florida, the chit has hit the fan. Everyone voting in elections is now required to actually be alive and present at the polling place on the day of the elections. Proxy voting has been eliminated.

Another development is that candidates must declare their intent to run for an office at least 2 months before the elections. December 1 is the cutoff date for declaring. Candidates must specify an office and are only allowed to run for one office.

Rules changes are now only allowed at the semi-annual General Membership meetings.


Merlin said...

Comments are welcome, but please remember this is a very public site.

Please do not identify individuals by their full names. If it is necessary to name someone, first name only is the rule.

Anonymous said...

This is a Great Site Merlin!!!!
I am glad you are doing it and I hope you run for Publicity & Mkting for WDA.
I will certainly vote for you.

Merlin said...

Thank you for your kind words. They are appreciated.

I would prefer staying out of politics, report what I observe and allow comments based on what people feel and think.

If I were in an elected position people might feel less free to state their opinions.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Merlin......I attended the meeting and was unsure of what had exactly transpired. Not being the "sharpest crayon in the box" Clarification is appreciated. Thanks again.

On a personal note the mantra where I come from is "vote early, vote often". We had 3x more proxy votes than members in attendance. Sure it's an inconvienence(big word..can't spell it) to attend meetings but if you care...............get there.

Merlin said...

This is a test comment