Monday, October 01, 2007

Post 4 Hosting Several Events

Friday Night - Singles League with 8 players - 100% payback for a 7-week session. Starts October 19. $35 entry fee for the entire session. Scratch league. Start time 7 PM.

Saturday Night - Singles League with 8 players - at least 50% payback for a 7-week session. Starts October 27. $35 entry fee for the entire session. Handicap league. Start time 7:30.

Both leagues are a "tournament" format using brackets. 1st through 8th are played out. Instead of randomly determining first-round opponents, a chart is used to make sure every person in the league has a first round match against every other person in the league. All matches are 2 out of 3.

501 and Cricket are played on alternating weeks. The league starts and ends on 501. There are 4 weeks where all matches are 501 and 3 weeks where all matches are Cricket.

I expect the Friday league will be able to play a doubles bracket in addition to singles. In doubles, your first-round opponent in singles becomes your doubles partner that night. The handicap format starts at higher points and the matches take too long to include doubles.

Everyone plays 2 out of 3 against 3 different opponents each night. The open league plays 2 out of 3 against 2 different doubles opponents each night.

Payouts are 50% for 1st, 30% for 2nd, and 20% for 3rd. Placings are based on points earned each night. In singles, it's 8 points for 1st, 7 for 2nd, etc. In doubles, it's 4 points (each) for 1st, 3 points (each) for 2nd, etc. The 3 people who get the most points during the league get the money at the end of the league.

This is your chance to get used to a 2 out of 3 format in plenty of time for the Air Cap. The league is set up so that every night is a mini-tournament.

For serious players, every round you win means you're against another winner in the next round. It provides a decent simulation of the pressures that can happen in a larger tournament.

For more casual players, it's a lot of darts, experience, fun and practice for the $5 nightly entry fee.

You can e-mail me by clicking on the little envelope right at the bottom of this message - or call me at 683-6316.

Note: Comments are generally made by others. I will identify the author of the Comment if the author identifies themself or if it is clear they do not object to being identified.


For those of you curious about this league, it is alot of fun. 8 people hanging out, BS'ing, and talking trash on each other. Unfortunately due to possible work schedule, I wont be able to return for another season, but hopefully we can fill both the Friday and Saturday night leagues. - Richard Cranford

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For those of you curious about this league, it is alot of fun. 8 people hanging out, BS'ing, and talking trash on each other. Unfortunately due to possible work schedule, I wont be able to return for another season, but hopefully we can fill both the Friday and Saturday night leagues.