The really big news has it's own post - $7,500 Air Cap is coming to a town near you this January!
The next Thursday session will start September 4. Monday night singles league is taking signups now. Post 4 will hang another board if needed, which would allow 10 people playing singles out of one location.
General Membership meeting is August 3 at 2 PM at Post 4. Encourage your team members to attend. Drag them kicking and screaming if you have to.
The smoking law eliminates Side Pockets as a home for the Youth League. Both Post 4 and Post 256 have stepped up to the plate and offered to host the Youth League. Both posts know hosting the Youth isn't a money-maker, but want to do whatever is needed to support Youth Darts. It's great to see our sponsors offering to open at times they might not normally be open, put staff in place, and cover utilities and other costs with opening the doors without expecting anything in return.
Sandy informed the Board of her efforts to get sponsorship money for Regional entries from other sources than WDA funds. Our region is in danger of being eliminated and absorbed into another region that would likely include St. Louis. Going to regionals would require more travel time and expense if that happened. Wichita is the strongest organization in our current region, but we can't finance the region out of mostly WDA funds.
The deal for another company to buy the Broadview didn't get the city funds they wanted and it fell through. Ron has stayed in close contact with the Broadview. There are other buyers. One print article was written without contacting any employees of the Broadview or the company that owns the Broadview. The situation is not as bleak as some reports have indicated.
I've got to add a comment here. About the same time the doom and gloom articles were published there was another article about Wichita needing MORE hotel rooms within walking distance of Century II for convention business. Imagine trying to book a convention into Century II with a shut down hotel right across the street. That's a tough sell. The City has to keep the Broadview open.
In the absence of the HeadLizzard, the honor of the motion to adjourn was passed to Dale DeScale, who performed brilliantly.
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