Monday, August 04, 2008

General Membership Meeting Highlights

The next Thursday session starts September 11.

We have a couple of players going to National playoffs. Dan Zimmerman and Leanna Clifford are going to Stamford, CT for the East-West All-Stars. Accompanying them will be Zach Zimmerman and Katherine Fitch playing in the National Youth Playoffs.

Thanks to Sandy Diel's hard work, some alternate funding methods were found to send more players to Oklahoma City than the WDA was willing to spend out of their funds. Gary Boisen qualified to go to Austin, Texas for a national playoff.

Annual memberships are now $10 a year and are due before anybody plays three times in league play. Lifetime memberships had previously been set at 10 times the annual rate. Lifetime memberships remain at $75.

David Garrett will have some recommended Bylaws changes to bring to the Board based on fixing Lifetime Membership prices and some clarifications about Director's meetings held at smoking establishments that can't admit members under 18.

The Youth Fund was $400 short of what's needed to send Youths to the Nationals. The WDA will contribute whatever is necessary and the blind draw after the meeting was played with all payouts going to the Youth Fund. Bubba offered 2 rib slabs for an auction to benefit the Youth Fund. David Garrett mentioned that without Kraig there to offer $100 for 3 slabs, there might actually be an auction.

The rib auction was interesting. It started with Dan and Christy bidding against each other. Then I opened my mouth and said, "I'll buy all 3 for $100, oh sorry, there's only two". Bubba immediately said he'd throw in a third slab and I had the top bid.

There were some awkward moments. Everyone realized I had tried to make a joke and got called on it. For a minute or two everyone was wondering if I'd try to weasel out or if I'd honor my bid. There were offers to split the cost and the ribs when I whipped out 5 $20 bills, slapped them on the table, turned to the crowd and said, "Beat my bid". Dan bid $110. David bid $125.

After the meeting, we raised $300 of the $400 we needed for the Youth.

David says he's going to wait on delivery of the ribs until his housewarming. You are on notice. Bubba's ribs at David's housewarming when David announces the date. That should bring some people out to David's party.

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