Monday, May 23, 2011

Goodbye, Lanny

A good friend of mine was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma last fall. He passed away Saturday. Lanny and his wife, Vicki, were two people you just wanted good things to happen to. They enjoyed life and made those around them enjoy life, too. Anybody who knew Lanny is going to miss him being around. My thoughts, prayers, and sympathy are with Vicki. She's got a difficult path ahead of her.

I had a pretty lengthy conversation with Lanny in January. His surgery had healed well, wasn't overly extensive, and he was about ready to start chemo and radiation.

He said one thing that alarmed me. His cancer wasn't completely removed in his surgery and was spreading while he was waiting to heal enough to start further treatments. That's a bad sign. I didn't say anything, but he and Vicki had read this blog. I believe they knew what that meant.

Lanny's cancer wasn't in remission after his chemo and radiation, so he was getting a second round of chemo. A second round of chemo has to be a tough decision. It's the only chance at survival, and it's a small chance. From my experience with one round of chemo, I would expect some quality of life issues with a second round.

Lanny is in a better place. I'm sad to see him gone and I will miss him till the day I die. I'm glad he didn't have to suffer for years on his way to his final destination. Rest in peace, my friend.

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