Wednesday, August 02, 2006

ADO darts in Wichita

Steel-tip darts are alive and well in Wichita. Darting events are held 4 nights a week with many special events and get-togethers to promote darting and have some fun throwing the pointy things at the round thing.

The hot spots for darts in Wichita are:

The Laid Back Club, 911 E. Morris. Just a couple of blocks removed from the "Old Towne" district with outstanding food and prices that work for those on a budget. The Laid Back has 6 boards. League nights on Mondays and Thursdays generally fill 4 of the boards. There may be a spare board or 2 on league nights, but it's more likely you can find a match after league play, which ends around 10 PM.

The Laid Back has a Satuday night blind draw. Signups at 7:30. Blind draw starts at 8. Mystery out pot. Payouts are 3 deep with a burrito for 4th. Some people have been accused of blowing the 3/4 match to get the burrito. It's that good.

Here's a map to find the Laid Back:

American Legion Post 4 - Murdock and Water. 4 permanent dart boards. Has the facilities to put up 20 boards for special events.

League darts on Mondays and Thursdays tend to fill the available boards. A darter can probably find a match after league play is done.

Blind draws on Friday nights. Signups at 7:30. Blind draw starts at 8. Mystery Out pot. No active kitchen, but "bar food" offerings are topped by an outstanding BBQ Beef sandwich.

Here's a map to find the Legion:

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