Saturday, June 21, 2008

Bubba gets another lead story in the Eagle

Somewhere around June 27, 2008, this story will disappear into the archives. Friday morning, June 20, Bubba's was front page content on the Eagle's website. After 24 hours there, it dropped off into the Lead Story in the Entertainment section.

I think the Eagle's food critic was a bit skeptical. "You don't need sauce" is a challenge to a food critic who really doesn't want to be told what they need or don't need when they go out to eat. Bubba pulled it off.

From the first paragraph in the featured article: "...a boastful but tasty new barbecue restaurant...". About Bubba's claim it's so good you don't need sauce: "...we didn't feel like we needed sauce, we wanted sauce. And, fortunately, Bubba's sauce is good, too".

About the turkey: "The meat was the thick, smoky, melt-in-your-mouth variety that you always wish you had at Thanksgiving (but somehow never do)".

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