Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Post 4 and No Smoking Law

I am confident the Legion will opt for the $250 annual license and smoking at the Legion will continue. I'm going to recommend a $1 surcharge for smokers as a voluntary donation to pay for the license. That seems a fair way to pay for the licenses without Post 4 having to come up with the $$ out of normal business.

This will likely affect both sides, but after the city forced Post 4 to have separate addresses for the 2 sides, they may want $250 per address. Some day I will post how much Post 4 pays the city each year. It is an incredible amount.

Businesses can have both smoke-free events with under-18's attending and still have 18+ events with smoking as long as there's at least 12 hours separating the events. This has a complication at the Legion. Both sides have to be considered. Post 4's doors between the bar and the hall couldn't possibly pass the "separate environment" test for a single location having both smoking and non-smoking areas.

Here are the darters options and some non-options. General Membership meetings will either be smoke-free or no one under 18 will be allowed to attend. That rule will apply to any event in the building. On dart nights, if there are no team members under 18 in the building, smoke 'em if you got 'em. If there are teams with players under 18, it's smoke outside night.

The 12-hour rule means that if there are players under 18, no one can smoke in the Legion the day of the matches. It remains to be seen how that will fly with Post members.

Youth League is done unless some place goes smoke free where we can maintain some boards. Side Pockets might go smoke free. I have no information about Side Pockets, but generally newer and more upscale places are more likely to opt for "smoke outside".

If Side Pockets chooses to go "smoking", I am confident Post 4 would consider hosting the Youth Leagues. Cutting off smoking at midnight Saturday wouldn't be a problem. Post 4 gripes about utility bills for events in the Hall, but not when it comes to doing something for kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As of the last time I spoke with Socco at Post 25 effective aug.1 they will be no smoking.

Trash Man