The requirements to represent a nation are pretty loose. It seems that if your once-removed great-grandfather was born there, that's enough qualification.
Vanuatu is an island nation off the east coast of Australia.

It is a small nation with a very large volcano.

I think it may be difficult for the Lizzards to claim their ancestry tracks directly to Vanuatu, unless the guy on the left is Dennis's grandfather and the guy on the right is Dave's ancestor.

I did notice that Vanuatu had a lady entered in Olympic table tennis. She was defeated in the round of 256. Wait a minute. There's a round of 256 in Olympic ladies table tennis?
Should the Lizards succeed in representing Vanuatu in the olympics, here's the flag they will be carrying. Yes, Vanuatu has a flag.

1 comment:
Actually being an esteemed expert on Vanuatu Law, I have found a family connection with all the Lizzards and the People of Vanuatu. There are numerous Crotaphytea (they call them Lizards...typo I'm sure for lizzards) on the Island. All Lizzards come from the "Lizzard King"....ergo...We are decendants and have family connections from Vanuatu!
I rest my case
Dale "de Scale"
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