Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Just Some Ramblings

1 week of chemo and radiation is over and I'm feeling great. I need more sleep than normal, but that's it. The medication gets interesting.

I get medication for the side-effects of the chemo. Then I get medication to counter the side effects of that medication. There's also a little medicine-shuffling to try to avoid getting addicted to anything. I have 3 medications I've got to watch. I can shift between some and skip them sometimes, so I should be able to avoid any addictions coming out of this.

I had a little bit of research done for me that goes beyond what's available on the Net. I have a contact with access to some very extensive medical databases. We were looking to see if there was a basis for a second opinion that might differ from what I was having recommended.

We went looking for the type of cancer I had, having it spread to the neck, not being able to identify a source site, and then not having radiation. With all of those factors put together, there are no reputable published studies. That pretty much eliminates any basis for a second medical opinion that could disagree with the treatment I'm getting.

When the research went nowhere, my contact got a hold of the person considered the #1 authority in the nation on my cancer and asked for the best available contact in my area. The name that came back was my radiation oncologist.

1 comment:

Shane said...

Wow. As challenging as things are now, that's encouraging.