Monday, August 07, 2006

Teams looking for players - Players looking for teams

If you are a player looking for a team or a team captain looking for players, please post a comment.

I'm looking for one for Monday, but my first offer goes to an old friend who hasn't said "no" yet.

Post your "who's looking" comments. Too late for Monday nights, but maybe we can get an extra team or 2 for Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Merlin, We're looking for a fifth player for our Monday Night scratch league team. We're not a real salty team, but I'll bet we'll have the most giggles and grins. Call Richard Cranford or Gregg Turner if you're interested. Or better yet, e-mail either one of us.

Anonymous said...

Merlin, Thanks for taking the opportunity to start a blog for steel tipped darts community in Wichita. My hope is that the responses will be worthy of your efforts.