Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Good news and bad news

Good news: The Regional held at the Legion had an outstanding turnout. Dan Zimmerman and Leanna Clifford qualified to go to a National shootout for a chance to play on a team representing the USA.

Bad news: The $1,000 added by the WDA for the blind draws was never brought to the Members or the Directors for a vote and that is creating some controversy.

Good news: The Legion produced an excellent menu of meals, snacks and "bar food" to serve at the Regional Playoffs. The Legion brought in a chef experienced with service to the expected crowd.

Bad news: The darters evidently weren't very hungry. Total food sales didn't cover the cost of the food the Legion bought for the Regional.

Good news: The Youth Fundraiser at Sedgwick County Park is expected to have a great turnout and raise money to help send 2 Youths to the National Youth Championship.

Bad news: The cancellation of the Spring Fling and the announcement of the Youth BBQ fundraiser were approximately simultaneous. The cancellation of the Spring Fling was attributed to a question of "fiscal responsibility". Was it impossible to hold both events? The cost to the WDA for Spring Fling is about $80. I can't imagine that an $80 expenditure raises a question of "fiscal responsibility".

Unfortunately, the good news is running short, but there's still some bad news coming.

A financial report hasn't been seen since the March report. There have been several requests by different members to review the WDA's financial records. There has been no response to those requests. I am one of the members requesting to review the WDA's financial records. I have informed both Kraig and Ron and given them both a second request after getting no response to my first request.

I have received requests from several members to review the WDA's financial records. These requests have ranged from "I want to see where we're at" to "I demand to see what's going on and if there's any question I'm hiring a CPA and I'm going to make sure the WDA pays for it".

When I reported that to Kraig, his response was that I should stop making up imaginary people to further my own agenda. My wife is not an "imaginary person". She's the one demanding an audit. Those who have known me and Robby more than a few days have probably figured out that she's her own person, I don't pull her strings like a puppet, she's an independent thinker and I'm the last person who could influence her to "further my agenda".

I am confident there's nothing "funny" going on with the WDA's finances. I'm confident the WDA is on sound fiscal footing. I am confident that a review of the WDA's financial records will dispell the financial questions among the membership. I am confident a review of the WDA's finances will reveal there was no question of "fiscal responsibility" for cancelling the Spring Fling. Unfortunately, that will bring up the question, "Why was the Spring Fling cancelled"?

I am confident that if I can review the WDA's finances I can resolve some questions some members have. I don't want to get 3 months of financial statements at the next Director's meeting and have to wade through them and take up all the Captains' time figuring out how everything in the WDA is working.


Anonymous said...

I would invite any reader to join us for the July Board of Directors meeting. As things are reported out of context, one might get a mistaken impression that the information contained herein is factual. Unless you, dear reader, have personally spoken to the President or Secretary of the WDA(which to date not ONE single member has) then you are can't know that much of this information is erroneous at best. I genuinely request and invite ANYONE who has ANY question whatsoever to contact me or any other responsible member of our Executive Commission directly. Also PLEASE PLEASE join us at the July meeting so that all questions can be addressed and the sources of those questions revealed.

Merlin said...

"one might get a mistaken impression that the information contained herein is factual".

Thank you for pointing out that the only thing that is a fact is what's a fact to you. What other people see as facts are insignificant in your viewpoint. This really helps me explain why I resigned as VP and I was struggling with that.

I've reviewed the original entry about 5 times and I stand behind what I posted and I think my post is factual.

Kraig, you're still not getting it. I want to resolve issues before they become the ammunition for a shootout at a Captain's Meeting.

Just because no one has talked to you personally about an issue does not mean it doesn't exist.

The requests for reviews of the finances of the WDA were made by seperate individuals on June 8 and June 9. A second request was made June 17. There was no response until this Blog entry was posted. Then there were responses from the President and the Secretary within 24 hours.

Anonymous said...

I have read Merlin's blog, and from what I know of Merlin, he wouldnt post something like this without thought. Merlin has been known to talk, but I have never known him to make things up to further his own agenda. So any statement that his posting is "erroneous" just does not add up.

I for one knew nothing of the meeting where the spring fling was cancelled. That brings concerns to my mind as it wasnt announced to the membership until 2 days before and posted on the website. As your publicity officer, I was a surprised as most of you when I read it on the website. If any claims are made that I didnt publicize it, do not believe the reports.

I agree with Merlin in the fact that 80 dollars really isnt a question of fiscal responsibility just weeks after the 1000 dollars was added to the regional

I agree with merlin when he mantions there probably isnt anything wrong with the financials. But, I feel that they should be presented upon demand, or within a reasonable time frame of the request.

Unfortunately, work obligations will have me missing the july captains meeting. Rose Casey will be presenting my report. But I strongly feel that everyone who loves the WDA should attend the meeting to get some answers, lets not wait till the general membership meeting when theres the possibility of even more controversy. Lets nip it in the bud at the upcoming meeting and get on with the business of darts.

In closing, Merlin, I for one stand behind your statements. I also stand behind your character, you are a good man.