Sunday, June 24, 2007

My resignation

I think most readers are aware I offered my resignation as VP.

When I ran for VP I wanted one year to work on Rules and Bylaws. I wanted the opportunity to get rid of the obscure stuff that could be brought up that tended to disrupt meetings. I wanted to get rid of the stuff that said one thing in one place and something else in another place.

For the most part, that's been accomplished. Getting the Rules of Play to not contradict the Bylaws was easier than I thought it would be.

I am confident the proposed rules changes will achieve the reason I ran for the office. There will always be stuff coming up that no one anticipated. No Bylaws or Rules will ever be complete or all-inclusive.

I had a great committee to work with. Rick Lowery and Steve Terronez gave me insight and viewpoints I couldn't possibly have had on my own. We've gone through our recollections of meetings and Directors decisions and we think we have all (or most) of them that were not recorded in Bylaws or Rules brought back to the Directors.

It took less than 6 months to achieve the goals I had when I ran for the office. The WDA needs more people with experience serving on the Council. It is for those reasons that I offered my resignation as VP.

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