Sunday, June 24, 2007

WDA finances

It seems the WDA has been on a record-setting course of spending money lately. There was no Directors meeting in June. The lack of a June financial report and the amount of money the WDA is pouring into darting right now raised some questions with some members. Several asked me to review the financial records of the WDA.

I wasn't expecting any problems, but when I looked at the financial records - I was shocked. Shocked, shocked, shocked I tell you. Not at the dismal state of the WDA's finances but at the great state of the WDA's finances and the tremendous efforts some people have made.

After paying the entry fees for 2 Youths to go to the National Youth Playoffs and after adding $1,000 to the blind draws at a Regional Qualifier that sent Dan Zimmerman and Leanna Clifford to national-level competition, the WDA's finances are healthy.

The bank balance is about what we're used to seeing on monthly financial reports.

Dan and Christy Zimmerman must be recognized for their outstanding efforts at raising money for the Youth Leagues. It's mainly their efforts that raised about $1,500 for the Youth. A significant amount of that came from outside the WDA. The darters in Wichita will support the goals of the WDA, but at some point our pockets get a little thin. Money from outside the WDA is critical. Dan and Christy did one of the best jobs ever seen in this organization of working hard to achieve the goals of the WDA.

Due to those efforts the Youth Fund has enough money to pay the travel costs of sending our Youth Darters to the Nationals without taking it out of the WDA Treasury.

The Frog Leagues have made a generous contribution to the WDA.

The only expenses we have coming up between now and the Air Cap are the Turkey Shoot, the postponed Spring Fling, and probably a qualifier or 2. Those aren't major expenditures and League fees look to be in great shape. I project a very comfortable balance in the bank after the Air Cap.

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