Friday, December 07, 2007

Proposed Rules Changes for the February General Membership Meeting

There are currently 2 changes to the Rules of Play proposed for the February meeting.
Both are pretty straight forward.

There are already rules that require play to start no later than 7:45 and that matches must be started within 10 minutes of when they are called. If the opposing team isn't there, the team that is there can call matches and claim forfeits 10 minutes later. This is currently in several rules scattered through the rules and will be placed in one rule to make the situation more clear. In addition, 3 forfeits when the opposing isn't present will result in the forfeit of all games for the night.

I would like to add a comment. If matches must start at 7:45, wouldn't that include the 10 minutes allowed for a team to answer the board call? In that event, the first match could be called at 7:35. That would allow the 10 minutes to respond to the board call and the first match would begin no later than 7:45.

The rules clearly state that the matches must start no later than 7:45. If the first match is called at 7:45 and there are 10 minutes to respond to the board call, then the first match could begin at 7:55, which is a clear rules violation. I would not be surprised to see a change to this proposed rules change at the January Captain's meeting.

The second proposed rules change would allow the Captains to change Rules Of Play at Captain's meetings. Currently Rules of Play can only be changed at General Membership meetings by a 50% majority vote of the General Membership.

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