Friday, December 07, 2007

Highlights of December Captain's Meeting

Finances are fine and growing. Not cushy, but there's plenty to put on the Air Cap with enough in reserve to give a great start for the new year.

Air Cap volunteers will be contacted and the tear-down group will be confirmed. Those of us working the stage the entire weekend WILL NOT be assisting in tear-down. I know I'm going to go home and try to sleep 10 or 12 hours before showing up Monday morning at 8 and probably working 60 hours the next week. Well, that last part wasn't part of the meeting.

Elections are coming up in Bebruary. The deadlind for declaring for an office is 12-15. David Garrett will be at the Legion that night playing in the Saturday league, so he's easily available for anyone who wants to declare at the last minute. If there are offices where no one is running, then we go probably go back to nominations from the floor at the February meeting. Please, let David know so we don't have that to deal with at the February meeting.

The people who will be on the stage at the Air Cap are having a meeting at Mary's Dec. 16 at 2:00 PM. We're going to run through all the details, make sure we have everything we need and coordinate our efforts to put on a great tournament. Anyone interested in attending is welcome. This is a meeting where the people on the stage look at every detail. If someone not involved in running the tournament is there and hears something we're overlooking or missing, let us know. Other than that the meeting will be mainly those on the stage discussing organization and coordination of the Air Cap.

Missy will be running the Youth Wheel at the Air Cap. She's doing a great job of organizing that part of the Air Cap. There can never be too many volunteers, so let Missy know if you can spend some time at the Youth Wheel.

The Air Cap WarmUp is at Post 256 Saturday, January 5. Most people know this by now. This will be a practice run for the people running the Air Cap to check out the organization and planning in a live environment.

There will probably be 15 - 17 teams in the upcoming Thursday League that starts December 13. There was significant discussion of the preferred way to set up the league. It was decided to play all teams in one league and play each team 1 time.

The Monday night league is not growing. Format changes that might attract more players were discussed. The current Monday teams will discuss their preferred format, which will be the format for future Monday night leagues. Format changes will not affect the Monday League that is just ready to start up with 4 teams.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its great to be able to read Merlins captains meetings reports since I dont have to attend them anymore. I did have an alternate idea for scheduling on thursday nights in case theres 16 teams again.

Split the league into two divisions. Take a page from NCAA Football sort of. By this, I mean, play everyone in your division once and everyone from the other division once. Then take the top 2 from each division and have a two week playoff. With each division having a finals, and then the league finals.

Just an idea, if you went 22 weeks, you could have played everyone in your division twice and everyone in the other division once before the playoffs. Again, just an idea.
